This printable has been updated for 2019, although the pictures below have not.

Free printable 2019 year at a glance calendar. Print and trace into your bullet journal, cut in half and use in your planner, use it as a coloring page! Easy!

So it’s the second week of January already. Yeah, I know. This would have been more helpful back in December, right?

Or maybe, your head has been reeling from the holidays and you’re just now ready to tackle your 2019 plans. You are my people. Procrastinators unite!

Whatever the reason, this little year at a glance calendar is here to make your life easier. Use it as a template to trace. Use it as a coloring page. Use it as is. The choice is yours and the possibilities are many.


Free printable 2019 year at a glance calendar. Print and trace into your bullet journal, cut in half and use in your planner, use it as a coloring page! Easy!

I used this template to trace over the words with a brush pen because I’m not super confident in my brush lettering skills. Your paper may be too thick, so I recommend some sort of light box. I used a free app called Lightbox Trace or you could even use a real lightbox. I’m considering purchasing this inexpensive, ultra-thin, USB powered one from Tiktech.

Or you could simply print it out and color it. Keep it a whole page to hang by your desk, or cut it in half and paste into your own notebook!

Free printable 2019 year at a glance calendar. Print and trace into your bullet journal, cut in half and use in your planner, use it as a coloring page! Easy!


Or, if you are already a subscriber, go straight to the Resource Library.

Whatever you decide to do with it I’d love to see! Tag me on Instagram or Twitter (@tashawiginton) and use the hashtag #JournalingWithTasha

Free printable 2019 year at a glance calendar. Print and trace into your bullet journal, cut in half and use in your planner, use it as a coloring page! Easy!
Free printable 2019 year at a glance calendar. Print and trace into your bullet journal, cut in half and use in your planner, use it as a coloring page! Easy!

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