I looooove me some essential oils! You too? Cool!
The other day I was thinking about how I could keep track of what oils I’d like to buy next and this printable oil shelf came to my brain. Aren’t these little bottles so cute? And if you added your inventory in rainbow order?! 😍
I’m a minimalist and don’t have a million oils and blends, so I went ahead and colored in the oils I already have and then added in the ones I know I want. I’m sure this list will grow!
I used a fine tip pen to write the names of the oils as small as I could and used color pencils to color them in. It was fun trying to match the color pencil to the actual color of my oil bottle.
As a bonus, these bottle don’t look exactly like any particular brand of essential oil, (although I’m partial to Young Living…click here if you want to shop, or better yet to join an awesome team that supports you with info and more!) so you can color them to match whatever your bottles look like!
If you have hundreds of oils:
I know some folks have a LOT of oils and it might take days and several pages to actually get your entire inventory on there. I mean, you can visually see your real life oil collection so there’s not really a need to color them all in. HOWEVER, you could use this as a wishlist! Just write the oils you want to get next and then color them in or cross them off as you get them.
The printable comes with two half pages on one sheet. You could cut it in half and punch holes to insert in your ring binder of choice or you could keep it letter size and punch holes for a regular size binder! I will cut this in half and paste it in my planner/bullet journal. (If you don’t have one, check out my 2019 Scripture Coloring Planner here.)
It’s a PDF so you’ll need a program like Adobe Acrobat Reader to open it. (It’s a free program and you probably already have it or something similar.) Make sure when you print, you print full size (100%, do not scale).
This is a free download! It’s in my password protected Resource Library and available for immediate download when you subscribe to my newsletter. I promise I won’t spam you, but I do send out emails periodically (along with updated password for the Resource Library). You can unsubscribe at any time.
Or, if you are already a subscriber, go straight to the Resource Library.
If you would rather purchase instead of join the mailing list… I’m totally cool with that. It’s just $0.99 in the shop.
If you’re wanting to print this and make copies for others, please consider purchasing. Or if you’re just feeling generous. If you’re stingy– I mean, protective– with your email address, make sure to uncheck the “subscribe to my newsletter” box at checkout.
If you download this printable and use it, make sure to tag me on Instagram or Twitter (@tashawiginton) and use the hashtag #JournalingWithTasha. I’d love to see how yours turns out!
While I have you here… it’s not too late to get the 2019 Scripture Coloring Planner! If you like this freebie you might like the planner!