How to start planning & ideas for weekly spread #bujo #bulletjournal #planner #planning

Let’s get started in those Scripture Coloring Planners! Don’t know what that is? It’s a coloring book, bullet journal style planner that features scripture to memorize each month! Whew! For more information, go here!

So you have your 2019 Scripture Coloring Planner! Yay! But now what? If your first thought was “How do I use this thing?” you’re not alone. OR maybe you’re on the fence about getting my planner because you’re afraid you won’t know how to use it… this is for you too.

I’ve gotten the “how do I plan?” question a lot actually, and it’s difficult to answer because it’s going to be different for everybody. The best way for me to address this is to show you what I do in my planner, and then let you decide what is going to work best!

So – in the 2019 Scripture Coloring Planner, when you open it one of the first things you see besides the title page and index is the “Goals + Dreams” spread. This is where you will fill in your goals and dreams for the next 6 months! I wrote a whole post about goal setting and even offered this spread as a free printable, so make sure you check that out if you haven’t!

How to start planning & ideas for weekly spread #bujo #bulletjournal #planner #planning

Next up will be the monthly spreads. This is where you write in your events, appointments, birthdays, holidays, etc. Think big things… you don’t want to add many tasks here unless it is a really big project with a set due date. You will also fill in your monthly goals.

How to start planning & ideas for weekly spread #bujo #bulletjournal #planner #planning

You may notice I have used different symbols. This is a basic way for me to know at a glance if something is an appointment/event (O), a task (•) (I put an X over the • when it’s completed), or a note/holiday (-). You can make up whatever symbols you want!

How to start planning & ideas for weekly spread #bujo #bulletjournal #planner #planning

How to start planning & ideas for weekly spread #bujo #bulletjournal #planner #planning

After the monthly spread, starts our weekly/daily hybrid spreads. I call this a weekly/daily hybrid because it is the whole week at a glance, but there is enough room to keep a daily log as well.

How to start planning & ideas for weekly spread #bujo #bulletjournal #planner #planning

This is where the beauty of the minimalism and dot grid really shines! There is a designated area for your weekly menu, and your weekly goals & tasks. This is where I would break down my monthly goals into actionable steps and write in tasks that don’t need to be completed on a specific date.

Next I would write in the events and appointments in their specific days, and any tasks that have a specific due date. On Monday, my weekly/daily spread is usually pretty bare, and I end up filling in tasks as I go each morning.

One of my favorite things about this spread is the flexibility. Here are a few ways you could set up your days (I wouldn’t use these all in one week. This is just to show you some options, but really it’s whatever works for you! It’s customizable!)

How to start planning & ideas for weekly spread #bujo #bulletjournal #planner #planning

How to start planning & ideas for weekly spread #bujo #bulletjournal #planner #planning

That’s really all there is to it! The next page will be the next week and so on until it’s the next month and then it starts over. There are also a couple blank pages in the back for you to use however you like. Use them for brain dump, dinner ideas, project management, doodling or whatever!

I hope that was helpful! Please feel free to leave questions in the comments and I’ll reply. Happy coloring & planning!

If you don’t have the 2019 Scripture Coloring Planner, what are you waiting for? Time is running out for you to get yours! Printable version is available now for immediate download!



How to start planning & ideas for weekly spread #bujo #bulletjournal #planner #planning







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